Any facilities manager or commercial property owner has, inevitably, run up against an insurer. From property to liability to workers’ compensation insurance, the property you manage is linked to insurance. That does not mean, though, that you as a property manager are completely familiar with every insurance concept, such as experience modification rate, or EMR. Understanding EMR can benefit you and lower your costs.


When insurers analyze a prospective business, they study things like workers’ compensation claims, site safety, and worker training. Insurers love companies with low rates of workers compensation claims, histories of safety training and scrupulous safety habits.

The low workers’ compensation claims result in an Experience Modification Rate, or EMR, which drops the cost of workers’ compensation insurance. A commercial roofer that earns a low EMR (between 0.4 and, often, 0.75) can pass insurance savings on to clients, such as a commercial property owner.

Risk Assessment

Commercial roofing is inherently risky. Steep-slope roofs create slip and fall hazards, but even low-slope roofs bring risks of missteps at the roof perimeter. An insurer offering a roofing company liability and workers compensation insurance wants to know, how risky is that work?

Insurers run audits, study national statistics, research the roofer’s training programs, and dig deep to get a reliable risk rating.

Fortunate Few

KPost Company is one of the fortunate few commercial roofers to earn consistently low EMRs over the years:

  • 2017- 2018 — 0.58
  • 2018-2019 — 0.51
  • 2019-2020 — 0.49
  • 2020-2021 — 0.50

How does KPost Company earn reduced EMRs from its insurer?

Simple: we emphasize safety, quality, and value — in that order. We do not attempt to save a buck by risking our luck.

We maintain very high standards of safety excellence. We invest in our team. KPost Company has on staff:

  • 1 bilingual Construction Safety Health Official (CSHA)
  • 3 bilingual CERTA torch trainers
  • 1 500-hour, bilingual OSHA trainer

These trainers have as their mission the proper training for every employee to complete each job safely and efficiently. In 2017 our training and safety staff recorded over 15,000 hours of training. Why? So we can keep our employees safe, of course, but also so we can provide our customers with impeccable service that is safe, of the highest quality, and lasting value.

Please reach out to us at KPost Company for your next roofing project. We are eager to show you how safety, value, and quality are our priorities. Contact us today!

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