There is no shortage of iconic commercial buildings in North Texas. These “statement structures” such as the Perot Museum of Nature & Science, the Omni Hotel, the Hunt Oil Headquarters and the AT&T Stadium, all designed by architectural visionaries, have transformed the skylines of the DFW metropolitan area over the past decade. However, as a contributor to the construction of each of these magnificent buildings, KPost Company, understands the most innovative designs are only as water-tight as their most vulnerable areas.
It has been noted by many structural engineers that the windows and walls of a building – regardless of its design elegance and environmental efficiency – are the last barrier between the outside elements and the occupants inside. Because of this, waterproofing these windows and walls is absolutely critical to maintenance of the integrity of the envelope of the building.
It is for this is the reason KPost Company has a business unit dedicated exclusively to waterproofing commercial buildings. This unit is led by twenty-year industry veteran Shawn Morgan, Waterproofing Division Manager.
Every Waterproofing Job is Different
“Each job presents different challenges,” notes Morgan. “For example, if it is a window glazing, masonry project or concrete repair project, KPost Company makes sure we have the qualified workforce on the job who specialize in those particular trades.”
The company has extensive experience in all phases of waterproofing. “Although we have 40 years of waterproofing experience in our service leadership, our waterproofing workforce has more than 300 years combined experience in this area,” he said. “Because of this, there is typically no situation where we have not had experience in dealing with it before and can recommend the best system or repair.”
KPost Company is also a member of the prestigious Sealant Waterproofing Restoration Institute (SWRI) and over the past decade Luis Diaz Deleon, the Waterproofing Operations Manger for the company, helped to develop the concrete guidelines for The International Concrete Repair Institute, a professional partnership with the SWRI.
In explaining why these professional relationships are important to KPost Company customers, Luis notes,“It shows our dedication to quality, workmanship and professionalism. We have been involved in developing the specifications for concrete repairs on an international basis, not just local. My teammates and I work hard to bring the best practices to the entire industry,” he said.
Waterproofing is offered as a stand-alone contracting service or as a part of KPost Company commercial roofing projects. Besides protecting a building from water infiltration, the company offers:
- Restoration of masonry
- Leak repair
- Minor and gross structural concrete damage repair
- Tuck pointing and brick replacement
- Epoxy injection
- Deck and traffic coatings
- Roof coatings
- Anti-graffiti coating
- Interior and exterior sealant replacement
- Expansion joint replacement
- Below grade waterproofing
Morgan notes, “Because we can offer waterproofing and commercial roofing to a general contractors and multi-facility owners, we can help them save money on the entire building envelopes scopes of work. Plus, there is a convenience factor of hiring us to manage the complete projects and the warranties tied to water-tight buildings.”
The construction industry has taken note of the company’s approach to building envelope innovations. Recently, one of the Dallas skyline-defining KPost Company waterproofing and roofing projects – the Perot Museum of Nature and Science – won the 2014 NRCA Golden Circle Contractor of the Year Award for innovative solutions for new construction. There are only four NRCA Golden Circle Awards given annually and KPost Company has won it three of the past five years.
Waterproofing Sealants: One Size Does Not Fit All
Having extensive experience as a waterproofing sealant manufacturer’s representative before joining KPost Company, Shawn Morgan has first-hand experience with the myriad sealant products and techniques available nationwide. This knowledge is invaluable for the company’s clients, consultants and the KPost Company team.
“While many times we base our estimates on the specifications of the consultant or architects, there are many types of sealant materials, each with a little different warranty advantage and disadvantage,” he said. “We know which sealant material works best for the specific substrate being utilized on the building. One size does not fit all,” he smiled.
“Waterproofing is absolutely essential for preventing water damage which can lead to equipment and inventory failures as well as downtime of your manufacturing and employees,” he said. “Leaky windows and walls which can result from inadequate or improper waterproofing product installation, can lead to mold and mildew in the building and health problems of your employees, the remediation of which can be extremely expensive.”
KPost Company has the team to ensure the safety, quality and value for all your building envelope projects.