February 7

Who Should You Call After Hail Damages Your Roof?

When you see hail falling from the sky, you should be concerned about your roof. Hail storms can cause significant roof damage, even when the… Read More

February 7

Commercial Roofer Needed? Will You Call The Avengers or Guardians?

There is no shortage of comparisons between Marvel’s massive box-office hit The Avengers and its latest record-breaking movie Guardians of the Galaxy. For example, CNN… Read More

February 7

8 Benefits Of Getting A Tesla Roof On Your Home Now

Durable, attractive, and eco-friendly — Tesla Solar Roofs are at the forefront of roof technology. If you are a forward-thinking person who appreciates innovation, you… Read More

February 7

Commercial Roofing Needs Spring Cleaning, Too!

The blistering heat of last summer followed by ice and extended cold experienced during this winter can create a significant amount of stress on the… Read More

February 7

Behind The Scenes Of Your Commercial Roof Life Expectancy

Although flat roofing systems are not entirely flat they hold snow and water much longer than steeply sloped roofs. Flat roofs, therefore, need different materials… Read More

February 7

The 80’s Called – It Doesn’t Know What to Make of the New World of Concrete

The Radio Shack commercial aired during the Super Bowl was a fun, somewhat self-effacing piece that showed 80’s icons coming into the store to “get… Read More

February 7

4 Reasons Why Should You Invest In Your Roof

If you’re thinking about your home improvement priorities, your roof should be at the top of the list. There are many ways to invest in… Read More

February 7

Heath Baker of KPost Roofing & Waterproofing Awarded Two Most Valuable Player Awards from The Roofing Alliance

is proud to announce Heath Baker of , the Official Roofing & Waterproofing Partner of the Dallas Cowboys, was awarded two of The Roofing Alliance… Read More

February 7

R-Value Changes for Polyiso Create Industry-Wide Impact

It might seem to the average person that the commercial roofing industry has not changed significantly over the last few years, but with the continued… Read More

February 7

How To Reap The Rewards Of A Maintained Roof

While most onlookers don’t care about the roof system, it’s a critical component of any commercial facility. It protects buildings and the sheltered installations from… Read More